*They were raised in Ajax, Ontario. Population
of around 67,000 people...Deryck says "I don't think anyone is going to find any more bands from Ajax . . . it doesn't even
have a downtown"
*Cone got his nickname "cone" from Deryck and Steve because he ate so
many ice cream cones in highschool...hardly anyone calls him by his real name "Jason,or jay"
got his nickname "bizzy d" because he gets "Bizzy"
*Steve wears a thong and sucks at sports
so he is called 'Stevo 32' because he thinks athletes with the #32 excell well in sports
*Dave got the nickname "Brown Sound" because he came out of his mom brown and he makes sound
*As far as i know, all the guys have a girlfriend, cept Dave, who is now a husband!:D
*First time on the road, Deryck brought everything
he owned: clothes, recording equipment, TV set and video games. After the third day, everything was stolen!! Now he travels
light with 4 shirts and one pair of black Dickies pants.
*One time Cone's pants fell down because his belt broke and he had to play the rest of the show
in just a t-shirt!!
*DMX and the drummer of Avril Lavigne were in the "Makes No Difference"
*At public
school Deryck was a member of the WRFA(World Recess Fighting Ass) but retierd at age 11
hates McDonalds...
*Most of the time they are loud and immature
but thats what makes them so funny:D
*All the guys, including their manager Greig Nori, have
a tattoo of the number "41" on their right arm just above their elbow
*Bizzy D always gets
hit in the face by the mic
*on tour Dave takes 2 pairs of shorts and 7 t-shirts
*Steves fave ice cream is mint chocolate
*They like playing Motivation and Pain For Pleasure as long as there in leather!
*Cone does not think Destiny's Child is hot but Steve and Deryck say he is wrong!
*I would say Cone gets picked on by the band the most...but just for fun;)
*Deryck's first concert was The Monkees
when he was 6 years old!
*Deryck was voted the 2nd most sexiest guys
* Stevo lost his virgenity at the age of 16, Dave and Cone lost theirs at 18, and Deryck lost his at the tender
age of 13...
*Deryck's mom is a nurse
*Sum 41's first song was Five-O Grind
*They named the band "sum 41" because they
started the band 41 days into the summer
*Fave snack foods: Deryck- cookie dough, Cone- wine
gums, Dave- curry-flavored potato chips, Steve- sour patch kids
*Deryck used to love basketball
but stoped playing when Micheal Jordan quit
*Deryck hates all animals, Dave likes penguins
and Stevo and Cone like monkeys
*Deryck's fave breakfast food is french toast
*Shoe Sizes: Deryck - 7, Cone - 9.5, Steve - 10.5, Dave - 8
*Dave is guyanese
*Steve usualy plays the drums with out shoes
*Cone's real name
is Jason, Jay is short for Jason
*The SUM 41 salute is: 4 fingers up on the right hand
and the middle finger up on the left hand
*In 1996 Deryck and
Steve started the band
*Everyone in the band has been arrested
41 has one seperate DVD, called "Intriduction to Distruction" then one with the Does This Look Infected? cd
*Deryck's mother's name is Michelle
*Kerry King From Slayer was featured
in the Video "What We're all About"
*The song Crazy Amanda Bunkface is about
one of Deryck's exgirlfriends!
"What you do is leave a carton of milk in the sun for three days. Then you fill a balloon up with it, like a
water balloon, except it's chunky. It's not fun when they hit you."