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Here is some stuff sum 41 has said themselves!

-We're basically out to have a lot of fun and have a good time. We're not mad at anything like a lot of bands out there.-Dave
-Cone is quiet, but he's a smart character. An attractive young man, he's the sweetheart of the band. The girls love him.-Steve on Cone
-Dave is the most punk rock person in the band, so he's mister credibility...Aw geeze, that's really a like. Dave's not punk rock at all!-Steve on Dave
-Deryck the is the puppeteer. And me, i'm crazy, Wooo!!-Steve on Deryck
-I dont think music has anything to do with it. It basically has to do with my humor, Cone's looks, Deryck's attitude and Dave's darkness.
Steve doesn't have his license, because he failed.-Steve
-I think a lot of people, because they see all the sh-t that we do, think we're jerks. And we are--but not all the time.-Cone-Just because we like to f--k around a little bit doesn't mean you shouldn't like us.-Steve 

"I'm just glad I lived long enough to hear the shittiest band ever"- Oasis' Noel Gallagher on Sum 41

"Another boy band with tattoos. Fuck'em"- Blur's Damon Albarn on Sum 41

"I guess I was wrong when I told them being in a band would never get them laid...They're still ugly though."-Steve's Mom on Sum 41

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